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Punching Ghosts

Nothing could really prepare me for the life that I would have in front of me. From great escapes, the violent panic attacks, and the aggressive feeling of the world ending at any moment. I watched the world end and begin again in the span of two minutes. Trapped in the mind of a 16 year old in a soon to be adult. I hated everything, I hated how everything was ever planned out. I hated how I was planned out.

Angst is a funny thing, it will make you look at everything with just a bit of contempt. Everything feels fake and feels ridiculous. The only way you think to combat it is by telling yourself you will be the one to change it. That you will be the one to save everything and everybody from the udder ordinariness of life.

I've thrown punches at nothing hoping something will finally hit. But I just ended up punching ghosts and found myself driving myself into concrete.

This is just a collection of a 20 something year old with a little bit of rage, panic, and a camera to go along with it.

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